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Functional use of electronic panel saw

Functional use of electronic panel saw

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  • Time of issue:2020-11-19 13:34
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(Summary description)1MachineApplication Theelectronicpanelsawhasexcellentperformanceandwideapplicability.Itcanbewidelyusedindensityboard,particleboard,mediumfiberboard,gypsumboard,artificialstone,plexiglass,largecoreboard,lightguideboard,aluminumboard,aluminum-plasticboard,circuitboard,solidwoodboardPrecisioncuttingofotherplates.Realizeautomatedproduction,reducemanualdependence,andeffectivelyimproveproductionefficiencyandproductaccuracy Inrecentyears,withtherapiddevelopmentofthefurnitureproductionindustry,manufacturershaveincreasinglyhigherrequirementsforsheetmetalcuttingmachinery.Allaxlesandwheelsareinstalledwithexpansionsleeves,whichisveryeasytomaintain.Theaccuracyofordinaryslidingtablesawsisinsufficient,chipping,faults,andworkinjuries.,Thephenomenonoflowefficiencyisbecomingmoreandmoreobvious,whichplaguesthedevelopmentofenterprises.Thebirthofelectroniccuttingsawseffectivelyavoidedsuchproblems.Theelectroniccuttingsawisequippedwithafeedingmanipulatorforautomaticfeedingandautomaticpositioning,ahigh-precisionservosystemtocontrolthefeedingaccuracy,andanelectronicrulertoperformaccuracycompensation,whicheffectivelyguaranteestheintegrityofthecuttingendsurfaceoftheboardandimprovesworkefficiency.Notonlythebodystructureisstable,buttheaccuracyreaches±0.02mm.Thefrontloadingplatformandtherearloadingplatformareallbornforenterprisestoimproveworkefficiency.Anotherfeatureoftheelectroniccuttingsawisthatitcanbeoperatedbygeneralworkers,doesnotrequiremaintenancebytechnicians,anddoesnotrequiredebuggingaccuracy.Thetwopeoplecooperateandsavelaborcostsfortheenterprise.2Operatingmethod1.Preparationbeforestarting 1.Checktheequipmentoperationrecords,clarifytheequipmentstatus,anduseitafterrepairingifthereisafault.2.Checkwhethertheautomaticoilsupplydeviceoftheequipmentisnormal,whethertheoilcircuitisnormal,whethertheoilsupplyisinplace,whetherthesawbladeliftingguiderailandthemanipulatorguiderailareadequatelylubricated.3.Checkwhetherthesawbladebelttightnessisnormal.4.Checktheinstallationdirectionofthesawblade.Whetherthesawbladeissharp.Whethertheinstallationisfirmornot,proceedtothenextstepafterconfirmation.5.Checkwhethertheairpressureisinthenormalrange(0.6MPa)6.Checkwhetherthescrewsareloose,andtightenthemintimeiftheyareloose.2.Operation 1.Poweronaftertheinspectioniscompleted,andoperateaccordingtothemachinepromptsafterpoweron.2.Manuallycheckwhetherthe8functionkeysareworkingproperly,thesawbladeisidlingfor1-2minutes,andthesimulationsawingrunsforasinglecycle.Itcanbeusedonlyafterabnormality.3.Appropriateselectionofsawblade,feedspeed,andstackingthicknessaccordingtothequalityandmaterialoftheprocessedproduct.4.Theoperatorconductsaccuratedataconstructionaccordingtotherequireddimensionsofthedrawings,andperformsprocessingunderthepremiseofconfirmingthatitiscorrectandthesurroundingproductionissafe.Afterprocessingafinishedproduct,itmustself-checkwhetherthesizeiswithintheallowablerange.5.Incaseofemergencyorabnormality,presstheemergencystopbuttonoremergencystopbuttonintime,anduseitagainaftertheabnormalityishandled.6.Ensurethatthefrontsafetyphotoelectricisnormalandeffective.Ifitisdamaged,pleasereplaceitintime.Inordertopreventthepressurebeamfromsuddenlyslippingduetoinsufficientairpressureorshutdown,theresidualwastecanbepulledoutwithwoodensticksorotherauxiliarytools.7.Itisstrictlyprohibitedtousewastesawbladesorunqualifiedsawbladestoprocessproducts.8.Replacethesawbladeoroverhaul.Turnoffthepowerwhencleaning.3.Regularmaintenanceandtroubleshooting 1.Cleanthedustandresidueonthemachineeveryshift.2.Focusoncleaningandlubricationinspectionofthemanipulatorguiderailandsawbladeliftingguide.3.Regularlytightenthescrewsofthemovingparts.4.Theelectriccabinetregularlycleansthedust,andfocusesoncleaningthecontactorfromtoptobottom(openthedustcoverofthecontactorandcleanitwithoil-freegas,andpressthesuctionbodyofthecontactorrepeatedlyatthesametime).5.Regularlycheckandtightenthescrewsofthemainpowersupplytopreventthemotorfrombeingdamagedduetophaselossduetoloosewiring.6.TheairsourceprocessorshouldregularlyaddthepneumaticspecialoilVG32turbineoil,andtheautomaticrefuelingdeviceshouldaddclean32#--68#lubricantintime.7.Inordertoensurethenormaloperationofthemachineandpersonalsafety,itisstrictlyforbiddentodismantlethesafetydevicewithoutpermission.Itisstrictlyforbiddentoworkwithhiddensafetyhazards.8.Equipmentmaintenancemustbeprovidedbyprofessionalsorfactory-trainedwithrelevantknowledgeandfillinmaintenancerecords.

Functional use of electronic panel saw

(Summary description)1MachineApplication Theelectronicpanelsawhasexcellentperformanceandwideapplicability.Itcanbewidelyusedindensityboard,particleboard,mediumfiberboard,gypsumboard,artificialstone,plexiglass,largecoreboard,lightguideboard,aluminumboard,aluminum-plasticboard,circuitboard,solidwoodboardPrecisioncuttingofotherplates.Realizeautomatedproduction,reducemanualdependence,andeffectivelyimproveproductionefficiencyandproductaccuracy Inrecentyears,withtherapiddevelopmentofthefurnitureproductionindustry,manufacturershaveincreasinglyhigherrequirementsforsheetmetalcuttingmachinery.Allaxlesandwheelsareinstalledwithexpansionsleeves,whichisveryeasytomaintain.Theaccuracyofordinaryslidingtablesawsisinsufficient,chipping,faults,andworkinjuries.,Thephenomenonoflowefficiencyisbecomingmoreandmoreobvious,whichplaguesthedevelopmentofenterprises.Thebirthofelectroniccuttingsawseffectivelyavoidedsuchproblems.Theelectroniccuttingsawisequippedwithafeedingmanipulatorforautomaticfeedingandautomaticpositioning,ahigh-precisionservosystemtocontrolthefeedingaccuracy,andanelectronicrulertoperformaccuracycompensation,whicheffectivelyguaranteestheintegrityofthecuttingendsurfaceoftheboardandimprovesworkefficiency.Notonlythebodystructureisstable,buttheaccuracyreaches±0.02mm.Thefrontloadingplatformandtherearloadingplatformareallbornforenterprisestoimproveworkefficiency.Anotherfeatureoftheelectroniccuttingsawisthatitcanbeoperatedbygeneralworkers,doesnotrequiremaintenancebytechnicians,anddoesnotrequiredebuggingaccuracy.Thetwopeoplecooperateandsavelaborcostsfortheenterprise.2Operatingmethod1.Preparationbeforestarting 1.Checktheequipmentoperationrecords,clarifytheequipmentstatus,anduseitafterrepairingifthereisafault.2.Checkwhethertheautomaticoilsupplydeviceoftheequipmentisnormal,whethertheoilcircuitisnormal,whethertheoilsupplyisinplace,whetherthesawbladeliftingguiderailandthemanipulatorguiderailareadequatelylubricated.3.Checkwhetherthesawbladebelttightnessisnormal.4.Checktheinstallationdirectionofthesawblade.Whetherthesawbladeissharp.Whethertheinstallationisfirmornot,proceedtothenextstepafterconfirmation.5.Checkwhethertheairpressureisinthenormalrange(0.6MPa)6.Checkwhetherthescrewsareloose,andtightenthemintimeiftheyareloose.2.Operation 1.Poweronaftertheinspectioniscompleted,andoperateaccordingtothemachinepromptsafterpoweron.2.Manuallycheckwhetherthe8functionkeysareworkingproperly,thesawbladeisidlingfor1-2minutes,andthesimulationsawingrunsforasinglecycle.Itcanbeusedonlyafterabnormality.3.Appropriateselectionofsawblade,feedspeed,andstackingthicknessaccordingtothequalityandmaterialoftheprocessedproduct.4.Theoperatorconductsaccuratedataconstructionaccordingtotherequireddimensionsofthedrawings,andperformsprocessingunderthepremiseofconfirmingthatitiscorrectandthesurroundingproductionissafe.Afterprocessingafinishedproduct,itmustself-checkwhetherthesizeiswithintheallowablerange.5.Incaseofemergencyorabnormality,presstheemergencystopbuttonoremergencystopbuttonintime,anduseitagainaftertheabnormalityishandled.6.Ensurethatthefrontsafetyphotoelectricisnormalandeffective.Ifitisdamaged,pleasereplaceitintime.Inordertopreventthepressurebeamfromsuddenlyslippingduetoinsufficientairpressureorshutdown,theresidualwastecanbepulledoutwithwoodensticksorotherauxiliarytools.7.Itisstrictlyprohibitedtousewastesawbladesorunqualifiedsawbladestoprocessproducts.8.Replacethesawbladeoroverhaul.Turnoffthepowerwhencleaning.3.Regularmaintenanceandtroubleshooting 1.Cleanthedustandresidueonthemachineeveryshift.2.Focusoncleaningandlubricationinspectionofthemanipulatorguiderailandsawbladeliftingguide.3.Regularlytightenthescrewsofthemovingparts.4.Theelectriccabinetregularlycleansthedust,andfocusesoncleaningthecontactorfromtoptobottom(openthedustcoverofthecontactorandcleanitwithoil-freegas,andpressthesuctionbodyofthecontactorrepeatedlyatthesametime).5.Regularlycheckandtightenthescrewsofthemainpowersupplytopreventthemotorfrombeingdamagedduetophaselossduetoloosewiring.6.TheairsourceprocessorshouldregularlyaddthepneumaticspecialoilVG32turbineoil,andtheautomaticrefuelingdeviceshouldaddclean32#--68#lubricantintime.7.Inordertoensurethenormaloperationofthemachineandpersonalsafety,itisstrictlyforbiddentodismantlethesafetydevicewithoutpermission.Itisstrictlyforbiddentoworkwithhiddensafetyhazards.8.Equipmentmaintenancemustbeprovidedbyprofessionalsorfactory-trainedwithrelevantknowledgeandfillinmaintenancerecords.

  • Categories:Company News
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  • Time of issue:2020-11-19 13:34
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Machine Application
  The electronic panel saw has excellent performance and wide applicability. It can be widely used in density board, particle board, medium fiber board, gypsum board, artificial stone, plexiglass, large core board, light guide board, aluminum board, aluminum-plastic board, circuit board, solid wood board Precision cutting of other plates. Realize automated production, reduce manual dependence, and effectively improve production efficiency and product accuracy
  In recent years, with the rapid development of the furniture production industry, manufacturers have increasingly higher requirements for sheet metal cutting machinery. All axles and wheels are installed with expansion sleeves, which is very easy to maintain. The accuracy of ordinary sliding table saws is insufficient, chipping, faults, and work injuries. , The phenomenon of low efficiency is becoming more and more obvious, which plagues the development of enterprises. The birth of electronic cutting saws effectively avoided such problems. The electronic cutting saw is equipped with a feeding manipulator for automatic feeding and automatic positioning, a high-precision servo system to control the feeding accuracy, and an electronic ruler to perform accuracy compensation, which effectively guarantees the integrity of the cutting end surface of the board and improves work efficiency. Not only the body structure is stable, but the accuracy reaches ±0.02mm. The front loading platform and the rear loading platform are all born for enterprises to improve work efficiency. Another feature of the electronic cutting saw is that it can be operated by general workers, does not require maintenance by technicians, and does not require debugging accuracy. The two people cooperate and save labor costs for the enterprise.
Operating method
1. Preparation before starting
 1. Check the equipment operation records, clarify the equipment status, and use it after repairing if there is a fault.
2. Check whether the automatic oil supply device of the equipment is normal, whether the oil circuit is normal, whether the oil supply is in place, whether the saw blade lifting guide rail and the manipulator guide rail are adequately lubricated.
3. Check whether the saw blade belt tightness is normal.
4. Check the installation direction of the saw blade. Whether the saw blade is sharp. Whether the installation is firm or not, proceed to the next step after confirmation.
5. Check whether the air pressure is in the normal range (0.6MPa) 6. Check whether the screws are loose, and tighten them in time if they are loose.
2. Operation
 1. Power on after the inspection is completed, and operate according to the machine prompts after power on.
2. Manually check whether the 8 function keys are working properly, the saw blade is idling for 1-2 minutes, and the simulation sawing runs for a single cycle. It can be used only after abnormality.
3. Appropriate selection of saw blade, feed speed, and stacking thickness according to the quality and material of the processed product. 4. The operator conducts accurate data construction according to the required dimensions of the drawings, and performs processing under the premise of confirming that it is correct and the surrounding production is safe. After processing a finished product, it must self-check whether the size is within the allowable range.
5. In case of emergency or abnormality, press the emergency stop button or emergency stop button in time, and use it again after the abnormality is handled.
6. Ensure that the front safety photoelectric is normal and effective. If it is damaged, please replace it in time. In order to prevent the pressure beam from suddenly slipping due to insufficient air pressure or shut down, the residual waste can be pulled out with wooden sticks or other auxiliary tools.
7. It is strictly prohibited to use waste saw blades or unqualified saw blades to process products.
8. Replace the saw blade or overhaul. Turn off the power when cleaning.
3. Regular maintenance and troubleshooting
 1. Clean the dust and residue on the machine every shift.
2. Focus on cleaning and lubrication inspection of the manipulator guide rail and saw blade lifting guide. 3. Regularly tighten the screws of the moving parts.
4. The electric cabinet regularly cleans the dust, and focuses on cleaning the contactor from top to bottom (open the dust cover of the contactor and clean it with oil-free gas, and press the suction body of the contactor repeatedly at the same time).
5. Regularly check and tighten the screws of the main power supply to prevent the motor from being damaged due to phase loss due to loose wiring.
6. The air source processor should regularly add the pneumatic special oil VG32 turbine oil, and the automatic refueling device should add clean 32#--68# lubricant in time.
7. In order to ensure the normal operation of the machine and personal safety, it is strictly forbidden to dismantle the safety device without permission. It is strictly forbidden to work with hidden safety hazards.
8. Equipment maintenance must be provided by professionals or factory-trained with relevant knowledge and fill in maintenance records.


Electronic 2024-08-22

Electronic saw

Electronic saws, especially high-speed electronic panel saws, are indispensable equipment in the woodworking and furniture manufacturing industries, representing a modern upgrade of traditional woodworking saws. This type of equipment usually refers to CNC longitudinal and transverse saws, which have significant advantages compared to old-fashioned electronic panel saws: 1. Multifunctionality: The new electronic saw can perform both horizontal and vertical cutting without the need for manual conversion, improving the convenience of operation. They are sometimes referred to as reciprocating saws because the saw head can rotate and adapt to cutting needs in different directions. 2. Accuracy and efficiency: Although the accuracy of some models may be within 0.1 millimeters, which may not be at the forefront of high-precision woodworking, it is sufficient for most applications. They can cut multiple sheets simultaneously through high-power motors (such as 7.5 kW) and large-diameter alloy cutting tools, greatly improving production efficiency. 3. Intelligent design: Modern electronic saws emphasize intelligence and ergonomics, are easy to operate, have strong stability, and high safety. They are equipped with a CNC system that allows users to input data through a touch screen and automatically complete precise cutting of the board, making them suitable for large-scale, standardized production of furniture. 4. Wide applicability: From standard medium density fiberboard (MDF) and particleboard to gypsum board, organic glass, etc., electronic saws can handle a variety of materials. For custom furniture and mass-produced furniture manufacturers, they are an ideal choice, especially for occasions that require handling irregular cutting. 5. Compared with other devices: Although CNC cutting machines can perform more complex processes such as drilling and chamfering, electronic saws are more efficient in linear cutting and specific batch production. Computer saws (electric reciprocating saws) are more focused on batch cutting of straight edge materials, suitable for the production of engineering furniture. 6. Market and Brand: There are various electronic saw products on the market, including accessories such as saw blades and profile wheels. Consumers can find products of different brands and price ranges through e-commerce platforms such as or professional suppliers such as Alibaba. The electronic cutting saw provided by well-known brands such as HOLZ-HER in Germany integrates CNC technology, optimizes the production process, and is suitable for personalized and mass production needs. In summary, electronic saws have become the standard equipment in the modern wood processing industry due to their high efficiency, precision, and intelligence. They not only improve production efficiency, but also ensure the safety of operations and the utilization rate of boards.
Electronic 2024-06-27

Electronic Saw: Precision and Efficiency Revolution in the Woodworking Industry

In the modern woodworking industry, electronic saws are leading an unprecedented transformation with their outstanding performance and innovative technology. Electronic saws, as a perfect fusion of high-tech and traditional woodworking techniques, redefine the standards of wood cutting with their amazing precision. With advanced sensors and precise control systems, it can achieve micron level cutting accuracy, ensuring that every piece of wood is accurately processed into the desired shape and size, laying a solid foundation for the high-quality woodworking products. Efficiency is another highlight of electronic saws. Its high-speed cutting ability significantly shortens the production cycle, enabling it to complete a large number of cutting tasks in a short period of time, meeting the market's demand for fast delivery. This efficient production model not only enhances the competitiveness of enterprises, but also provides strong support for the large-scale development of the woodworking industry. The ease of operation of electronic saws is also commendable. Through an intuitive human-machine interface and intelligent programming system, operators can easily set cutting parameters and paths without the need for advanced professional knowledge. At the same time, the device also has an automatic optimization layout function, which maximizes the utilization of wood and reduces production costs. In addition, electronic saws have also made great efforts in terms of safety performance. Equipped with multiple safety protection devices, such as emergency braking systems, protective doors, and light curtain sensors, effectively ensuring the personal safety of operators and making the working environment more reliable and reassuring. With the continuous advancement of technology, the performance of electronic saws is still improving, and their functions are also constantly enriching and expanding. From furniture manufacturing to building decoration, from woodworking creation to industrial production, the application range of electronic saws is becoming increasingly widespread and becoming an indispensable tool in the woodworking industry. The emergence of electronic saws not only promotes the development of the woodworking industry, but also brings us more high-quality and exquisite woodworking products. I believe that in the future, electronic saws will continue to leverage their advantages and create more possibilities for the woodworking industry.
Computer 2024-06-27

Computer saw

Computer saws usually refer to sawing equipment using computer control systems, which are very common in fields such as wood processing and board cutting. They can be divided into several types, and based on discussions in the Zhihu community, here we outline the main ones for you: 1. Computer cutting saw: -This type of saw is mainly used for precise cutting of various boards, such as plywood, multi-layer boards, and blockboard. -It is divided into fully automatic and semi-automatic, characterized by fast saw blade speed and smooth operation, which can effectively ensure the smoothness of the board end face. -It has the characteristics of high efficiency, energy conservation, labor-saving, and environmental protection. 2. Electronic panel saw (also known as computer panel saw): -It is an automated wood processing equipment that achieves precise cutting through a computer system. -The working principle involves the motor driving the saw blade, and the computer controlling the movement of the saw blade to achieve precise cutting of size and shape. -The advantages include high efficiency, high precision (millimeter level), and safety, suitable for fast and accurate wood processing needs. -When choosing, it is necessary to consider the production scale, size of demand, and power. 3. Computer reciprocating saw: -Equipped with a feeding robot to achieve automatic feeding, positioning, and cutting of sheet metal. -Adopting CNC operation with electronic ruler automatic precision compensation to ensure cutting accuracy. -The characteristic is human-machine integration, which can automatically complete sheet metal processing by inputting data, with high efficiency, good accuracy, and high safety performance. The main differences between these computer saws lie in their design purpose, degree of automation, range of applicable materials, and complexity of operation. The computer saw, through its advanced control system, greatly improves the efficiency and accuracy of sheet metal processing, reduces manual intervention, and is an important tool in modern manufacturing.
What 2020-11-19

What are the functions of computer panel saw optimization software

Benefits of the computer panel saw: automatic material calculation, automatic optimization, automatic cutting, automatic printing 1. System benefits: 1) Fast calculation speed---just input the length, width, and height of the wardrobe to automatically calculate the top and side panels , Door panel and other required board size;

Shunde Mingan Machinery Create Co.,Ltd


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